Composer blog – Rebecca Rowe

Words into music... In my last blog for this project I outlined some of the considerations a composer addresses when setting existing poetry. Here, rather than being a full programme note at this stage, I write further about some of my compositional approaches in setting these incredible poems by [...]

2023-04-29T13:27:36+00:00September 30th, 2022|

Performer blog – Maggie Broadley on Within The Living Eye

Maggie Broadley, who sings soprano in the GSA Choir, writes about her experience of rehearsing Within The Living Eye – composed by Rebecca Rowe, with lyrics taken from a selection of poems by Kathleen Raine. When Jamie Sansbury, the GSA Choir’s Musical Director, revealed our next commissioning project, Composeher, I [...]

2022-07-27T12:10:44+00:00February 19th, 2021|

Composer blog – Rebecca Rowe

A servant to the text... It is a thrill to write for the Glasgow School of Art Choir. The ensemble's community spirit, its passion and dedication to choral singing and to the commissioning and enjoyment of new music is truly inspirational. Writing for many voices gives an opportunity to have [...]

2023-04-29T13:30:45+00:00May 29th, 2020|
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