Performer blog – Abby Carter on 14 Weeks

Abby Carter, who sings soprano in the GSA Choir, writes about her experience of rehearsing 14 Weeks – composed by Jane Stanley, with lyrics by Judith Bishop. Each of the pieces written for Composeher ask something of us that develops and expands both our abilities as a choir and [...]

2023-04-19T06:01:05+00:00April 20th, 2023|

Composer blog – Jane Stanley

On Musical Imagination as part of my working method... I have been thinking a lot about the role that musical imagination plays in my compositional working method. To inform this reflection, I have been immersing myself in literature on the topic, most recently a book chapter by Freya Bailes and [...]

2023-04-29T13:28:45+00:00January 14th, 2022|

Lyricist blog – Judith Bishop

Judith Bishop - whose poem, 14 Weeks, is being set to music by Jane Stanley for Composeher - writes about the power of music in the following essay, A Short Meditation on Music and Meaning... 1 Towheaded is the word that comes to mind to describe him. He had tufty [...]

2022-07-27T12:12:46+00:00June 29th, 2020|

Composer blog – Jane Stanley

Building block elements... In this video blog composer, Jane Stanley, explains her initial thoughts on her Composeher work; including some of the musical elements she is incorporating into the piece, her text selection, and the inspiration she has taken from some existing choral works. Listen to the [...]

2022-08-23T09:41:01+00:00May 1st, 2020|

Composer blog – Jane Stanley

Composing for Composeher... I have composed, on a number of occasions, for individual voice(s) set within instrumental ensembles, but this will be my first work for large a cappella choir. Key to my working method for writing this piece will be research and repertoire study, as well as workshopping ideas [...]

2023-04-29T13:32:43+00:00September 25th, 2019|
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