

Composed by Pippa Murphy, lyrics by Karine Polwart.

Each of the composers has written a programme note to accompany their Composeher work. Read about Pippa’s piece, Brìdghe, below.

Brìdghe is a celebration of the legend and lore of St Brigid and her pre-Christian counterpart, the Celtic goddess, Brigid or Brìdghe. Brigid is associated with healing, protection, blacksmiths, poets, midwives, divination and livestock. Her Christian feast day is celebrated on February 1st, which coincides with the ancient traditional Celtic festival of Imbolc, the first day of spring and the season when the ewes came into milk. Those seeking her blessings asked for healing and protection, and Brigid was said to visit homes on the eve of Imbolc. Traditional rituals would include the smooring, or raking of the fireplace ashes to keep the fire overnight. People would make a bed for Brigid, leave her food and drink, and set items of clothing outside for her to bless. A cross made of grass was hung over doorways.

Brigid represented the light half of the year and the power that will bring people from the dark season of winter into spring. She brought light and hope.

Today, St Brigid’s Day and Imbolc are observed by both Christians and non-Christians. In 2023, St Brigid’s day became a national holiday in Ireland for the first time.

Read more about Brìdghe in our blog series…

Composer blog – Pippa Murphy

Sound and resonance... In this video blog composer, Pippa Murphy, introduces her Composeher work, Brìdghe, alongside lyricist, Karine Polwart. The pair discuss the importance of sound and resonance, and explore [...]

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